Friday, April 27, 2012

Completing sentenc for SSC/HSC Exam-2

So that/ in order that (hv‡Z /†hb+D‡Ïk¨hy³evK¨vsk
Complex sentence Gi cÖ_g clause-G Ggb GKwU welq _v‡K hv GKwU D‡Ï‡k¨ Kiv n‡q‡Q A_vr cÖ_g NUbvwUi djvd‡j Ab¨ GKwU NUbv NU‡Z cv‡i, Ggb K‡i ev NUv‡bvi D‡Ï‡k¨ G ai‡bi  †¶‡‡Î t-  
Subject+verb+Extension+So that/in orderthat+subject+can/could/may/might +verb(present)+ other words
Present tense+ so that+ s+ can/may +Verb (present)+
The students studies diligently so that they can secure/get good marks.
Past tense+ so that+ Extension +subject+ could/might+ V(present)+
The students studied diligently so that they could secure good marks.
Provided/provided that/providing that
                   [hw`/Z‡e kZ© †h/Z‡e kZ© _v‡K †h] Gi c‡i kZ© c~ib nq Ggb (clause) evK¨vsk emv‡Z nq|
                   He will pass the examination provided he studies well
                   I shall help you provided you will come here in time.

Lest (b‡PZ, bZzev, cv‡Q, Ab¨_vq)
       Lest Gi c~‡e©i e³‡e¨i KviYwU clause AvKv‡i wjL‡Z nq| cÖ_g clause Gi subject I wØZxq clause Gi subject GKB _v‡K|
lest Gi c‡ii clause wUi MVb n‡et-
                                KviYm~PK evK¨ +lest+ subject+ should/might+ V(present form)+ other words
          Read attentively lest you should/might fail in the examination

Though/Although/Even though (hw`I— --ZeyI/hw`I/n‡jI)
                               †Kvb Ae¯’v ev NUbvi wecixZg~Lx †evSv‡Z e¨eüZ nq,
Though/Although/Even though+ 1wU evK¨vsk +wecixZgyLx 1wU evK¨vsk
                                Though he is poor, he is honest
                                Though/Although the man is rich, he is dishonest
      The gir could not do well in her exam though/although she  studied seriously.
I have to go to school today, even though it is raining.
Though the man has vast property, he wants more.

Because/As/Since(†h‡nZz/†m‡nZz--- †m‡nZz)
Because/As/Since+ KviY wewkó evK¨vsk +dj wewkó¨ evK¨vsk
As he was ill, he did not go to school.
He could not walk because/as/since he was ill
As/since I fell tired, I went to bed.
He could not pass the exam because/as/since he did not study well.

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