Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Re-arrangement for JSC Examination

 Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph:

“Let’s go and find out,” another said. So very slowly and carefully they approached the sound. One day they were walking through the dark Indian forest when they heard a sound. They were very keen to learn and never stopped searching new.” But unfortunately all of them were blind. Once upon a time, many years ago, there lived six young men. “What’s that?” One of them asked. They all stopped and listened carefully.
Answer: A‡bK A‡bK eQi c~‡e© GK mgq QqRb Zi“b evm KiZ|Zviv wk¶v MÖn‡Y Lye AvMÖnx wQj Ges KL‡bv Zv‡`i Ávb A‡š¦lY _vgvZ bv|wKš‘ `yfv©M¨µ‡g Zviv mevB wQj AÜ|GKw`b Zviv Mfxi AÜKviv”Qbœ fviZxq e‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡q †n‡uU hvIqvi mgq GKwU kã ïb‡Z †cj|Zviv mevB †_‡g wM‡q mZ©KZvi mv‡_ ïbj|Zv‡`i GKRb ejj, ÒGUv Avevi wK‡mi kã?Ó Zviv Avevi ïbj|Ab¨ GKRb ejj, ÒPj,Avgiv wM‡q Ly‡uR †`wL|Ó ÒAvwg GwU wec`RbK g‡b Kwi bv Ges Avgiv bZzb wKQy wkL‡Z cvie|ÓKv‡RB Lye ax‡i ax‡i Ges mveavbfv‡e Zviv k‡ãi w`‡K GwM‡q †Mj|
He worked there in the laboratory in his house. Once upon time a time there lived a famous magician called Frankel. He only used his spells to make bad people good. He was a good magician. If they improved, he would take his magic spell off them. He never did any house work. He lived in a small town in Germany. In it he made his magic spells. Frankel lived by himself in a large house. He used his magic spells to make his life easier and more comfortable.                                                    
Answer: GK`v d«¨v‡¼j bv‡gi GKRb weL¨vZ hv`yKi evm KiZ|wZwb Rvgv©bxi GKwU †QvÆ kn‡i evm Ki‡Zb|wZwb Zvi evwoi GKwU M‡elYvMv‡i KvR Ki‡Zb|M‡elYvMv‡i wZwb Rv`ygš¿ ˆZwi Ki‡Zb| wZwb Rv`ygš¿ ˆZwi Ki‡Zb ïaygvÎ g›`‡jvK‡K fv‡jv Kivi Rb¨|Avi,Zv‡`i DbœwZ n‡j wZwb Rv`ygš¿ Zz‡j wb‡Zb|d«¨v‡¼j GKvKx Zvi GKwU weivU evwo‡Z _vK‡Zb|wZwb KLbI Zvi N‡ii KvR Ki‡Zb bv|wZwb Zvi Rv`ygš¿ w`‡q Rxeb‡K mnR I AvivgcÖ` K‡i Zz‡jwQ‡jb|)
But he was lucky. But it was difficult for him to live alone. So he returned home and again he started his life with his family. One of them visited Ruplals hut during the night. It was not a tiger. Ruplal was a brave man to live in the jungle. He wanted to the comfortable. It was only a little mouse! In fact, it’s a dangerous place with many wild animals. But the jungle is not a comfortable place.
Answer: iƒcjvj R½‡j evm Kivi g‡Zv mvnmx †jvK wQj wKš‘ R½‡j GKvKx evm Kiv Zvi R‡b¨ KwVb wQj| †m Avivg LyRu‡Z ‡P‡qwQj|wKšÍ R½‡j †Kv‡bv Avivg`vqK ¯’vb bq|e¯‘yZ,GUv bvbv iKg eb¨ Rš‘ mg„× GKwU fqsKvi ¯’vb|Ggwb GKwU Rš‘y ivwÎKv‡j i~cjv‡ji Kz‡o Ni cÖ`w¶Y K‡i|wKš‘ i~cjvj wQj †mŠfvM¨evb|GUv evN wQj bv| GUv wQj ïayB GKUv B`yui|

Hans was amazed. “Goodness!” he exclaimed. “Is the bush going to clean the floor?” After a few minutes, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened and in walked a brush. The brush emptied the water into the floor and then went out. “You can start cleaning the floor now.” But the brush didn’t start washing anything. It has arms and legs just like a person and was carrying a bucket of water. “That’s enough water, brush”, said Hans. After a few minutes it returned and emptied another bucket of water onto the floor.
 Answer: K‡qKwgwbU c‡i,nVvr M‡elYvMv‡ii `iRv Ly‡j †Mj Ges eªvk ‡nu‡U cÖ‡ek Kij|eªvkwUi wVK gvby‡li g‡Zv nvZ-cv wQj Ges GwU GK evjwZ cvwb  enb K‡iwQj|n¨vÝ wew¯§‡q Awff~Z n‡q †Mj| †m wPrKvi w`‡q e‡j DVj, Ònvq Avj­vn!eªvkwU wK †g‡S cwi¯‹vi Ki‡Z hv‡”Q?Ó &eªvkwU †g‡Si Dci evjwZi cvwb †X‡j w`‡q evB‡i P‡j †Mj|Aí K‡qK wgwbU c‡i wd‡i G‡m GUv †g‡S‡Z AviI GK evjwZ cvwb †X‡j w`j|n¨vÝ ejj,  Òn¨vÝ GUzKz cvwbB h‡_ó|Zzwg eis †g‡S cwi¯‹vi ïi“ Ki‡Z cvi|ÓwKšÍ eªvk †Kv‡bvwKQyB †avIqv ïi“ Kij bv|Ó 
He began to live in peace and quiet all by himself. He looked around him but nobody replied. “Ah! How happy I am now,” he thought to himself. Ruplal was frustrated to see the village life full of problems. “Who made this hole?” Ruplal asked. Then, one day after a few weeks, he discovered something strange. He collected his things and left for jungle without delay. In his blanket there was a hole. There he made a little hut for himself with wood, bamboo and reeds. So he made up his mind to live alone in the jungle.(mgm¨vq AvKxY© MÖvgxY Rxeb †`‡L iƒcjvj LyeB Dw`Mœ wQj|ZvB †m R½‡j GKvKx emevm Kivi Rb¨ gbw¯’i Kij|‡m Zvi wRwbmcÎ ¸wQ‡q †Kv‡bv †`wi bv K‡iB R½‡ji D‡Ï‡k¨ iIbv iIbv nj|‡mLv‡b †m KvV,evkuI bj LvMov w`‡q †QvÆ GKwU KzwUi ˆZwi K‡i|‡m GKvKx kvwšÍ I wmœ»Zvi m‡½ †mLv‡b emevm Ki‡Z ïi“ Kij| ÒAvn,Avwg GLb KZ myLx!Ó †m wb‡R wb‡R fvej|AZtci K‡qK mßvn ci GKw`b †m A™¢yZ GKUv wKQy Avwe¯‹vi Kij|Zvi K¤^‡j GKUv wQ`ª †`L‡Z ‡cj| Ò‡K GB wQ`ª K‡i‡Q?Ó iƒcjvj wRÁvmv Kij|‡m Pvwiw`‡K ZvKvj wKšÍ †Kv‡bv DËi Gj bv|
Then one day after weeks, he discovered something strange. I don’t understand. There’s either somebody here, or the hole just made itself!” There he lived in peace and quiet all by himself. In his blanket there was a hole. He made a nice little hut for himself in the jungle with wood, bamboo and reeds. He looked around him but nobody replied. Ruplal collected his things and went to live by himself in the jungle. “Ah! How happy I am now,” he thought to himself. “Who made this hole? Ruplal asked.
Answer: (iƒcjvj wb‡Ri wRwbmcÎ ¸wQ‡q Ges GKv e‡b evm Kivi R‡b¨ P‡j †Mj|‡m wb‡Ri R‡b¨  R½‡ji g‡a¨ KvV,evku I bj LvMov w`‡q my›`i GKwU KzwUi ˆZwi Ki‡jb| ‡hLv‡b wZwb wb‡RB kvwšÍ‡Z I bxi‡e evm KiwQ‡jb|‡m wb‡RB wPšÍv Ki‡jb, ÒAvwg GLb †Kgb myLx!ÓZvici K‡qK mßvn ci GKw`b †m A™¢yZ wKQy Avwe¯‹vi Ki‡jb|K¤^‡j GKUv wQ`ª wQj|iƒcjvj ej‡jb,GUv †K Kij? wZwb Pviw`K ZvKv‡jb,wKš‘ KviI mvov †c‡jb bv| ÒAvwg eyS‡Z cviwQ bv|GLv‡b †KD G‡m‡Q A_ev GUv wb‡R wb‡R n‡q‡Q|Ó)

It looked very pleased with itself. Then he put it in a basket and returned quickly to his hut in the jungle. After such a busy day, Ruplal slept very well that night. In front of the cat was a dead mouse. “Oh, you clever cat!” exclaimed Ruplal. You’ve killed that naughty mouse. Now I must give you a reward.” Ruplal wanted to give his clever cat some milk, but he didn’t have any. The next day, Ruplal walked back to his village and picked up his cat. The next morning ,Ruplal woke up and saw his cat.
Answer: cieZ©x w`b iƒcjvj Zvi MÖv‡g †n‡Uu †Mj Ges Zvi weovj‡K Zz‡j wbj |Zvici Zvi Szwo‡Z †i‡L `ª“Z e‡b Zvi KzwU‡i wd‡i Avmj|GiKg e¨¯Í w`‡bi ciI i~cjvj iv‡Z fv‡jvfv‡e Nygvj|ciw`b mKv‡j i~cjvj Nyg †_‡K DVjI Zvi weovjwU †`L‡Z †cj|weovj‡K Lye mš‘ó †`Lvj|weovjwUi mvg‡b GKwU giv Bu`yi wQj| ÒIn,Zzwg a~Z© weovj,Ó Dj­wmZ n‡q iƒcjvj ejj| ÒZzwg H `yó Bu`yiUv‡K †g‡i †djQ|Avwg GLb Aek¨B †Zvgv‡K cyi¯‹vi w`e| iƒcjvj PvjvK weovj‡K wKQy `ya w`‡Z PvBj,wKšÍ Zvi Kv‡Q wKQyB wQj bv|
He also hard to look after his cat, and younger brother. He had to build a larger hut and he had to cook more food for his younger brother. “Why don’t you share your responsibilities with someone?” his younger brother suggested. “I came here to find peace and quiet, but now I have so many responsibilities. Ruplal complained to his younger brother. “I agree,” said Ruplal. You should go back our village and find a wife.” “I already have three companions, why not have four?” Now Ruplal was very busy in the jungle. “Why did you go and live in the jungle, Ruplal?” his mother asked him. So Ruplal and his younger brother returned to their village and Ruplal spoke to his parents.
Answer: iƒcjvj e‡bi g‡a¨ Lye e¨¯Í wQj|Zvi Av‡iv GKwU KzwUi wbg©vY Ki‡Z Ges †QvU fvB‡qi Rb¨ †ekx Lvevi ivbœv Ki‡Z nj|Zv‡K Zvi KzwUi,weovj Ges †QvU fvB‡qiI †`Lvïbv Ki‡Z n‡Zv|iƒcjvj `ytLcÖKvk K‡i Zvi †QvU fvB‡K ejj, ÒAvwg kvwšÍ I my‡Li mÜv‡b GLv‡b G‡mwQjvg wKšÍ GLb Avgvi A‡bK `vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡Z n‡”Q|Ó Zvi †QvU fvB ejj,  ÒAvcbvi `vwqZ¡ Ab¨ Kv‡iv mv‡_ fvMvfvwM K‡i wb‡”Qb bv †Kb?ÓAvgv‡`i MÖv‡g wd‡i wM‡q Avcbvi GKRb ¯¿x Ly‡Ru †bqv DwPZ|Óiƒcjvj ejj ÒAvwg ivwR|Ó Avgvi BwZg‡a¨ wZb Rb mv_x Av‡Q| PviRb _vK‡e bv †Kb?iƒcjvj Zvi †QvU fvB Zv‡`i MÖv‡g wd‡i †Mj Ges iƒcjvj Zvi gv evevi mv‡_ K_v ejj|Zvi gv Zv‡K wRÁvmv Ki‡jb, Òiƒcjvj,Zzwg †Kb evwo †Q‡o †M‡j Ges e‡b evm Ki‡j?Ó

Would you help us? They said, “We’re sorry.” The teacher let them argue with each other for sometime. We’ve all felt your elephant. We forgot about you. Then the teacher explained to them. The six blind men argued because they couldn’t agree with each other. Then he cried out, “Stop now! Stop and listen to me! But unfortunately we can’t agree about it.” They felt ashamed and stopped arguing hearing the teacher’s voice.
Answer:AÜQqRb †jvK ci¯úi ZK© KiwQj,KviY Zviv wb‡Riv GKgZ n‡Z cviwQj bv| wk¶K Zv‡`i‡K wKQy mgq ci¯ú‡ii g‡a¨ ZK© Ki‡Z w`‡jb| Zvici wZwb wPrKvi K‡i ej‡jb, ÒGevi Pzc Ki, _vg Avi Avgvi K_v †kvb|Ó AÜ QqRb †jvK Zv‡`i wk¶‡Ki K_v ï‡b jw¾Z nj Ges ZK© eÜ Kij| Zviv ejj, Ò Avgiv `ytwLZ|Ó Ò Avgiv Avcbvi K_v fy‡jB wM‡qwQjvg| Avcwb wK Avgv‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb? Avgiv mevB Avcbvi nvwZ‡K ¯úk© K‡iwQ, wKšÍ Avgiv †Kv‡bv wel‡qBGKgZ n‡Z cviwQ bv|
It was puzzling. Could Frankel use his magic to do all these things? “Clean it very carefully. Hans, said Frankel. Frankel house was always clean, but who cleaned it? “I’m going to use this instrument to cast a very powerful spell.” “A very powerful spell!” Hans lived happily and worked hard in Frankel’s house. He admired Frankel and his magic powers, but he was puzzled. Hans cleaned the laboratory and his own room, but who cleaned the other ones? One day Hans was cleaning a very complicated and delicate instrument. And who cooked the meals?
Answer: n¨vÝ d«¨v‡¼‡ji evwo‡Z  my‡L evm Ki‡Z jvMj Ges K‡Vvi cwikªg Ki‡Z jvMj|‡m d«¨v‡¼j Ges Zvi hv`y ¶gZvi f~qmx cÖksmv KiZ wKšÍ †m nZeyw× nj|d¨v‡¼‡ji Ni memgq cwi¯‹vi cwi”Qbœ _vKZ,wKšÍ †K Zv cwi¯‹vi KiZ? Ges †K Lvevi ivbœv KiZ|GUv LyeB nZeyw×Ki wQj|G mKj Kv‡Ri R‡b¨ wK d¨v‡¼j wK Zvi Rv`y cÖ‡qvM K‡ib? GKw`b n¨vÝ GKUv Lye RwUj I m~² hš¿ cwi¯‹vi KiwQj|d¨v‡¼j ej‡jb,Òn¨vÝ, GUv Lye mZ©Kfv‡e cwi¯‹vi Ki, Ó d«¨v‡¼j ej‡jb, ÒAvwg GKUv Lye kw³kvjx Rv`yi Kv‡R GUv e¨envi Kie|Ó
“Stop, brush, or I‘ll break you with this! he shouted. But the brush didn’t stop. But Hans was wrong. The two broken pieces quickly grew more arms and legs, went out, and returned with a bucket of water each. So Hans took the brush and cut in two. The water of the laboratory rose higher and higher and Hans grew more and more worried. “If I don’t do something quickly, the whole house will be flooded,” he thought to himself. It was lying just beside the forge. Then he saw a large axe. He picked it up and waved it in the air.(M‡elbvMv‡ii cvwb µgk DPzu n‡Z _vKj n¨vÝ AwaK wPwšÍZ n‡q coj|‡m g‡b g‡b fvej ÒAvwg hw` ZvovZvwo wKQy bv Kwi Zvn‡j cy‡iv evwoUv c­vweZ n‡e|ÓZLb †m GKUv eo Kyovj †`Lvj|GUv Pzwj­i cv‡k|‡m GUv Dc‡i Zz‡j wbj Ges k~‡b¨ bvovj| Ò_vg,eªvk,bZzev Avwg †Zvgv‡K GUv w`‡q AvNvZ Kie|Ó‡m wPrKvi K‡i ejj|wKšÍ eªvk _vgvj bv|ZvB n¨vÝ eªvkUv‡K †K‡U `yfvM K‡i ‡djj| fv½v LÛ `ywU `ª“Z Av‡iv †ewk nvZ I cv †ei Kij,evB‡i P‡j †Mj Ges cÖ‡Z¨‡K GK evjwZ K‡i cvwb wb‡q wd‡i Gj|

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