Monday, April 16, 2012

Chart of Transformation of sentence

                                                                       Chart of Transformation of sentence

cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨I  bgybv

                  (mij evK¨)
                     ( RwUj evK¨)
Verb+ ing
Closing the door, he went to Market.
When/…. (hLb)
After. …… (c‡i)
After/When he had  closed the door, he went to market.
                 And (Ges)
He closed the door and went to market.
KviYI (Ab~Kyj djvdj)
Because of…….Kvi‡Y
Because of having merit,he was loved by the teachers.
Because of his making delay,we missed the train.
Because of cold weather,we needed warm clothes.

Since he had merit,he was loved by the teahers.
Since he made delay we missed the train.
Since it was cold weather we needed warm clothes.
                And (Ges)
He had merit and was loved by the teachers.
He made delay and we missed the train.
It was cold weather and we needed warm clothes.
KviYI(wecixZ djvdj)
Inspite of….. m‡Ë¡I
In spite of having merit,she failed in the examination.
In spite of making delay we got the train.
Despite …….m‡Ë¡I
Though …… (hw`)
Although. ……(GgbwK hw`)
Though/Although he had merits he failed in the examination.

But (wKš‘ )/yet (Z_vwc)
He had merit but/yet he failed in the examination.
n¨v †evaK kZ© (Subject GKB)
By+ verb+ ing……
By taking exercise regularly,you can keep fit.

If +you+ verb……
If you take exercise regularly,you can keep fit.
And (imperative (evK¨ )
Take exercise and can keep fit.
bv †evaK kZ© (Subject GKB)
Without (Qvov) +verb +ing
Without drinking clean water, you cannot keep fit.
If +you+ do not+ verb….
  If you do not drink clean water you cannot keep fit.
Unless (hw` bv) + subj. + verb….
         Unless  you  drink clean water you cannot keep fit.

Or (A_ev)/otherwise(Ab¨_vq),bB‡j
Drink clean water or/otherwise you cannot keep fit.
(Imperative sentence)
n¨v †evaK kZ© (Subject wfbœ)
Incase of one’s +verb +ing
In case of your standing first, I will reward you.
If +you+ verb
             If you stand first, I will reward you.
And (Ges)
Stand first and I will reward you.
bv †evaK kZ© (Subject wfbœ)
In case of one’s failure to +verb…..
In case of your failure to stand first, I will not reward you.
If +you+ do not +verb….
         If you do not stand first, I will not  reward you.
Unless (hw` bv) + subj. + verb….
       Unless you stand first, I will not reward you.
He Stand first or/otherwise I will not reward you.

Infinitive (to+verb)….
I went there to learn English.
       to   so that/ in order that+ subj.+ can/ could +verb…
           I went there so that I can learn English.
And (Ges)
He went there and want to learn English.

He is too tired to walk.
…….too    so ….that+  subj+ cannot/could not +verb…
             He is so tired that he cannot walk.
He is very tired and cannot walk.

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